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서울시 세종문화회관 공연 및 전시 정보 목록

번호 이미지 제목 구분
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Concert with Explanation for Youth The 18th Season Chamber Music Festival. Bassoon Story ? Boon the Bassoon
2011-01-30 ~ 2011-01-30   January 30th (Sunday) 2:30p.m. Duration: 90 minutes (including intermission) Intermission: 10 minutes
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실내악 페스티벌 시즌 18 해설이 있는 청소년음악회 -‘분 더 바순’의 클래식 길라잡이
2011-01-30 ~ 2011-01-30   오후 2시 30분 공연시간 : 90분 (인터미션포함) 인터미션 : 10분
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The morning of Samcheonggak
2011-01-30 ~ 2011-12-31   At 10:00 ~11:00 on every last Saturday At performance halls of SamcheongGak annex houses (Cheongchundang, Cheonchudang, Chuihandang, Dongbaekheon, Yuhajeong)
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My Mom
2011-01-28 ~ 2011-03-06   January 28th (Friday) ~ March 6th (Sunday) 2011 Tuesday ~ Friday 8:00pm / Saturday 4:00pm and 7:00pm, Sunday 3:00pm and 8:00pm, No performance on Monday.
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Soprano Lee Seung-hyeon Recital
2011-01-28 ~ 2011-01-28   January 28th (Friday) 7:30p.m.
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소프라노 이승현 독창회
2011-01-28 ~ 2011-01-28   오후 7시 30분 관람시간 : 90분 (인터미션포함) 인터미션 : 15분
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연극 2011 친정엄마
2011-01-28 ~ 2011-03-06   평일 오후 8시 / 토요일 오후 4시, 7시 일요일 오후3시, 6시 (월요일 공연없음) 관람시간 : 90분
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히스토리가든 -창의공간
2011-01-26 ~ 2011-02-01   오전10시 ~ 오후9시 (일, 오후 7시까지, 전시 마지막 날 오후 1시까지)
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History Garden
2011-01-26 ~ 2011-02-01   January 26th (Wednesday) ~ February 1st (Tuesday) 10:00 a.m. ~ 9:00 p.m. (Sunday, by 7:00 p.m./ last exhibition day by 1:00 p.m.)
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Concert with Explanation for Youth The 18th Season of Chamber Music Festival Prima Ensemble
2011-01-23 ~ 2011-01-23   January 23rd (Sunday) at 2:30p.m.
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실내악 페스티벌 시즌 18 해설이 있는 청소년음악회 -프리마 앙상블과 함께하는 청소년을 위한 알기 쉬운 해설음악회
2011-01-23 ~ 2011-01-23   오후 2시 30분 공연시간 : 90분 (인터미션포함) 인터미션 : 10분
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The Duet: Rachael Yamagat & Maximilian Hecker Live in Korea
2011-01-23 ~ 2011-01-23   at 7:00p.m.
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Duet:레이첼야마가타 & 막시밀리언해커 내한공연
2011-01-23 ~ 2011-01-23   오후 7시 200분 (인터미션포함) | 인터미션 : 20분
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David Benoit Live in KOREA
2011-01-22 ~ 2011-01-22   at 7:00p.m.
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데이빗 베누아 내한공연 David Benoit Live in KOREA
2011-01-22 ~ 2011-01-22   오후 7시 (관람시간 : 120분 )
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