Tour > Yeongdong Grape Festival (영동포도축제)

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Yeongdong Grape Festival (영동포도축제)


Yeongdong Grape Festival is held to promote delicious Yeongdong-grown grapes, known for their high quality. The festival aims to promote the local region and contribute to the growth of the local economy through grape sales.
Address117 Yeongdong healing-ro, Yeongdong-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do
Contact+82-43-745-8918 Yeongdong-gun
Basic Information
주최자 정보Yeongdong-gun
주최자 연락처+82-43-745-8918
주관사 정보Yeongdong Festival Tourism Foundation, Grape Farm Alliance in Yeongdong-gun
주관사 연락처+82-43-745-8918
행사장소Yeongdong Rainbow Healing Attraction
이용요금Free (Fees may apply to certain programs)
Yeongdong Grape Festival is held to promote delicious Yeongdong-grown grapes, known for their high quality. The festival aims to promote the local region and contribute to the growth of the local economy through grape sales.
Location Information
기온24.7 ℃
습도96 %
풍향243 deg
풍속0.4 m/s
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